descriptionS of services
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DESIGN/ Graphics
DESIGN/ Editorial
WEB/ Packages
WEB/ A La Cart: Add-Ons
WEB/ A La Cart: Pages
WEB/ A La Cart: Design
WEB/ A La Cart: Services
WEB/ E-Commerce
BLOG FEED . A section or page devoted to embedding your existing Blogger or Tumblr blog feed directly onto your website.
COMMENTS SECTION . A section which allows visitors to leave their own comments, feedback, testimonies, and the like. This is included with the Testimonies page and Blog page.
DOCUMENT DOWNLOAD . The ability for visitors to download documents, flyers, photos, and the like from your website.
E-COMMERCE SHOP . Sell your products and services directly from your own website. A description of all e-commerce options are below.
FEEDBACK FORM . An interactive form allowing visitors to input information and make contact. They can be used to conduct surveys, questionaires, collect reviews, donations, and the like. Each package includes a minimum number of feedback forms. Additional forms can be purchased separately.
GRAPHIC MENU . An additional menu bar utitlizing images to entice visitors to other pages of your website.
INTERACTIVE MAP . An interactive map allowing visitors to scroll, zoom and connect to Google for detailed directions. Each package includes one interactive map. Additional maps can be purchased separately.
MUSIC PLAYER . An interactive music player that streams music. This is included with the Music page.
PHOTO GALLERY . An interactive photo viewer which holds unlimited photos. This is included with the Gallery and Portfolio page.
SITE SEARCH . A search bar allowing visitors to search your website using tags and keywords.
STOCK PHOTO . A high quality image selected for use on your site when you don't have one fitting the occasion.
VIDEO PLAYER . An interactive video window that streams video from a hosting website, e.g. YouTube of Vimeo. This is included with the Video page.
WEBSITE AUDIO . Background music for your website which can be turned off or on by visitors.
EXTRA PAGE . Each package includes a limited number of pages, however additional pages can be purchased separately. All page options are described above.
EXTRA SUBPAGE . Each package includes a limited number of subpages, however additional subpages can be purchased separately.
CUSTOM SOCIAL MEDIA PAGE . An external social media page customized using design elements from your website, e.g. Facebook, YouTube, Instagram. Separate fees required by the external site are not included and must be paid or billed separately.
AD . A customized graphic advertisment for use on the web.
CUSTOM BUTTON . A button, customized to your color palette and design, that links to a page or function, e.g. Pay Now, Like Us, etc.
CUSTOM ICON . A graphic icon, customized to your company or personal style, e.g. an icon for Facebook, your social group, or band, etc.
WEB GRAPHIC . A customized graphic for your blog or website.
WEB HEADER . A customized graphic header for your blog or website.
DOMAIN REGISTRATION . The process of registering the domain name, or personalized URL -, .net, etc. that identifies and secures your website on the internet. You can buy your domain yourself on or at sites like GoDaddy or, but ut if you still feel out of your element, I can do this for you. The fees will be billed separately.
DOMAIN PRIVACY . When you register your domain, your personal information becomes public at the registry website. Domain Privacy protects your information from public display, usually replacing it with that of the company you're registered with. Domain Privacy can be purchased separately when you register your domain.
EXTERNAL ACCOUNT SET-UP . I will contact you to register for any new websites required to co-exist with your own, e.g. PayPal, YouTube, Facebook, etc. If you just don't want to be bothered, I will do it for you, creating an intermediate password that you can change later.
EXTRA REVISION . A revision is any one change that you'd like after all of your review sessions have been completed.
EXTRA REVISION SESSION . A revision session is one round of unlimited changes.
WEB HOSTING . Your website can not be seen by the public without Web Hosting. Internet hosting providers store your website on their servers,
providing storage space and make it accessible to the World Wide Web. You can purchase web hosting yourself or I can do it for you. The fees will be billed separately.
ONE-ITEM SHOP, EXISTING PAGE . Sell a product or service on your website, utilizing an existing page.
ONE-ITEM SHOP, SEPARATE PAGE . Sell a product or service on its own page for a more official store experience, customized to your website.
FIVE-ITEM SHOP, SEPARATE PAGE . Sell up to five items on a separate page for a more official store experience, customized to your website
TEN-ITEM SHOP, SEPARATE PAGE . Sell up to ten items on a separate page for a more official store experience, customized to your website.
EXTRA ITEM . Add one additional item to sell in your shop.
FULL SHOP, MULTIPLE PAGES . As many items as you need to sell on as many pages for a full store experience, customized to your website.
Connect your retail shop to your merchant account or set it up for offline payments. Available merchant accounts include PayPal, Skrill, WebMoney, and PagSeguro. Separate fees required by these services are not included and must be paid or billed separately.
FULL SHOP ON ETSY, SHOPIFY or STORENVY . A full shop set-up on Etsy, Shopify or Storenvy, then embedded into your store page so customers never leave your website to shop. Separate fees required by Etsy, Storenvy and merchant accounts are not included and must be paid or billed separately.
FEED TO EXISTING SHOP ON ETSY, SHOPIFY or STORENVY . Your existing Etsy, Shopify or Storenvy shop embedded into your store page so customers never leave your website to shop. Separate fees required by Etsy, Storenvy and merchant accounts are not included and must be paid or billed separately.
CONTENT WRITING, PARAGRAPH . That article describing your shop, a short bio describing your services? You provide the details and I'll write it for you. Note that Content Writing is not included in the cost of your e-commerce shop and that you may provide your own content.
CONTENT WRITING, PRODUCT DESCRIPTORS . Those riveting 1-2 liners describing your products? You provide the details and I'll write them for you. Note that Content Writing is not included in the cost of your e-commerce shop and that you may provide your own content.
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